With rising interest rates dominating the headlines, it’s not an ideal time to be in the market for a car loan – unless you have the right help with a broker.


Although an interest rate rise of 1% looks relatively small on paper, it’s important to do the maths and have a full understanding of how these changes have the potential to impact your day to day life. As an example, for a homeowner with a home loan principal of $500, 000 can expect to pay an extra $269 per month if the interest rates increase by as little as 1%. 

However, it’s not just the real estate industry that’s affected by rising interest rates, as these fluctuations will influence almost any type of loan, including car finance. While the prospect of getting a new car is exciting, many people just want the process handled quickly and avoid doing their due diligence on the best car loan rates. 

In contrast, the alternative is enlisting the services of a car broker. Although there’s a common misconception that the services of a broker are exclusive to mortgages and home loans, an appropriately qualified broker will often cover car finance as well. 

Sourcing The Best Car Loan Rates Through A Broker

When you’re a customer in a complex market, the process of obtaining finance for a car loan is more supply driven than demand driven. That is as a buyer, all too often you are forced to deal with what is being offered, rather than taking charge and settling on the type of finance that you actually need. 

When shopping around for the right car loan, it’s important to note the key points of difference between financial products with the most common being secured and unsecured car loans. A secured loan is when your purchase acts as security against the loan, and means that if you default on your payments, the lender has a right to seize your car. In contrast, an unsecured loan will often only be issued under certain circumstances. Even then, they often come with a higher interest rate and uncompromising repayment period.

For those wondering what car loan rates look like at the moment, data from April 2022 shows that the average annual percentage rate (APR) was 4.7% for new financed vehicles, and 8.0% for used vehicles. While that’s largely unchanged when compared to the last few years, the tide will inevitably turn once the Reserve Bank starts to pass on further interest rate increases. 

The key benefit of using a car broker is usually sourcing favourable interest rates and loan packages that best fits your circumstances. Even a savings of 2-3% of a car loan over a five year loan period can reduce your payments significantly, let alone if you are able to package your new car loan with your existing mortgage or home loan product. 

In addition, using a broker for car finance is also usually a free service. Most forms of finance brokers don’t charge customers for help with finding the loan with the most competitive rates and repayments. Instead, the broker is paid directly by the lender of choice, meaning the benefits of using a broker don’t come as an extra charge in what is already an expensive exercise. 

Aside from servicing standard vehicle purchases, car loan brokers can also help with buying an electric car. While not everyone has the budget for a brand new Tesla, skyrocketing fuel prices and the need for a greener planet has seen an uptick in electric car purchases in Australia. While they may function completely differently when compared to their predecessors, a car broker can also help with these new age automobiles as well. 

For those getting ready to purchase their first home, refinance their existing one, or even those looking for help with a new car loan, it should come as no surprise that six in ten Australians are now working with a broker for help in navigating the world of finance – but where do you find one?

Partner With Personal Finance Experts 

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

Relentless in their pursuit of gold star customer service, the team at Madd have now expanded their services to include end to end financial planning. Through Madd Life, the aim is to collaborate with clients to identify long term goals, and transform them into a road map. 

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd proudly work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

Not feeling confident at the prospect of higher interest rates? You’re not alone, but the good news is that there are ways to lower your mortgage repayments.


Higher cost of living, global volatility, and the ongoing economic impacts of the pandemic certainly kicked the year off with a bang. In addition, we’re now facing interest rate hikes not seen in over two decades. What’s worse is that for almost half of Australians, our savings and financial wellbeing have taken a hit because of it.

New data sourced from NAB indicates that more than 40% of all surveyed adults reported a decline in their savings in the past three months. In addition, the NAB Australian Wellbeing Survey also found that more than one in ten Australians do not have $2,000 for an emergency. 

If you’re feeling the pinch of financial stress at the moment, you’re not alone, as the survey also showed that one in three people are currently reporting “high” levels of financial stress. Three quarters of respondents are trying to save, but report being challenged by debt, repayments, bills, and everyday spending. With interest rates only set to increase, a wise preventative measure for homeowners is to get familiar tools to reduce their mortgage repayments. 

Five Ways To Lower Your Mortgage Repayments

For prospective buyers and existing homeowners alike, the timing and magnitude of any changes to interest rates will often be closely watched. Even the smallest increase could mean hundreds of dollars more in mortgage repayments per month, so it’s important to have a game plan as a means to protect yourself against these types of rising costs.

As such, lowering your mortgage repayments can be an incredibly effective way to ward off any potential stress linked to your finances, even if it’s only temporary. While some measures may be more appropriate than others and will depend on your financial situation, just a handful of the more common tactics to try include the following. 

Get An Offset Account – The basic function of an offset account is to use up to 100% of the balance of a linked transaction account to ‘offset’ – or effectively reduce – the portion of your home loan that is accruing interest. It’s like having a savings account linked to your mortgage, which in turn could significantly lower the amount of interest you due. 

Stop Paying Monthly – If you are paying your mortgage monthly, take your salary payment frequency into consideration to match your mortgage repayment cycle. By paying half of the monthly amount every two weeks – or swapping to fortnightly payments – you’ll make the equivalent of an extra month’s repayment each year. 

Make Extra Repayments – While it may seem counterproductive if you’re trying to reduce your mortgage repayments, any attempt to get ahead with your home loan will reduce the amount of interest due. Try to get in the habit of making lump sum payments whenever you can, such as utilising your tax return, any surprise bonuses, or even funds sourced from an inheritance. 

Consider Fixed Rates –  It’s not uncommon for lenders to offer lower rates to entice new customers, but fail to look after their existing customers with the same benefits. Banks are not known for their loyalty, so ensure you know what’s on offer and don’t be afraid to ask for the best possible interest rate structure, even if that means opting for fixed over variable. 

Home Loan Health Checks – At least once a year, put aside time to meet with your bank manager or mortgage broker for a loan check up. Your financial position may not be the same as it was twelve months ago, and it’s also a great time to revise your loan terms and interest rates, or if you should swap to another product. 

As of September 2021, mortgage brokers wrote 67% of all residential home loans in Australia – the highest number ever recorded. What’s more is that 90% of these customers reported that they were happy with the services provided to them. If you’re thinking about applying for a home loan or need some help with managing your mortgage repayments, then it’s worth getting in touch with the professionals. 

Partnering With Home Loan Professionals 

Navigating the complex world of home loans has long been regarded as stressful, frustrating and time consuming – but if you can find the right advice on sourcing how mortgages work, then the good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

As real estate has long been regarded as one of the safest ways to generate wealth, is there such a thing as the right time to buy an investment property? 

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Once you’ve managed to successfully purchase your first home, there usually comes a point where most Aussies start looking at other avenues to increase their income. Suddenly, property becomes less about having somewhere to live, and transforms into a logical means to generate wealth – or to at least try to. 

When we refer to investment properties, the term is usually used to describe houses, apartments or townhouses that investors buy, and in turn rent out to another person to live in. While investing in property certainly isn’t for everyone, one of the hardest parts of the process is getting the timing right. 

Five Signs You’re Ready To Buy An Investment Property

Some people enjoy dabbling in the stock market, and others in cryptocurrencies. However, many Australians have traditionally viewed investing in property as a “safer” long term option for capital growth, and with less exposure to potential risks. 

However, purchasing a second abode is an entirely different experience when compared to that of a first home buyer. The type of property and options for finance will usually be quite different the second time around, but it’s important not to take on a second mortgage before you’re ready. As such, what type of signs could indicate that you are in the position to buy an investment property?

You Have Access To Equity – In simple terms, equity is the term used to describe the financial difference between your property’s market value, versus the balance of your mortgage. Depending on your personal circumstances, unlocking the equity in your property could allow you to buy an investment property without having to save up for the all important 20% deposit. 

There’s Low Vacancy Rates – Low vacancy rates are considered to be a positive for property investors, because it generally means people want to live in a particular area or building. Opting to buy an investment property while there’s a low vacancy rate in the rental pool means you should have no issues finding tenants. 

To Lower Your Taxable Income – Negative gearing is the term used when any expenses that a rental property incurs are higher than the actual income earned from it. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as the Australian Tax Office treats any expenses incurred by property investors as tax deductible, just like they do for other business costs. 

Interest Rates Will Rise – Although it may sound counterproductive to buy an investment property now while interest rates are on the rise, in reality they’re only going to go higher – meaning that now is the ideal time to become a landlord, and secure fixed term interest rates on a second mortgage. 

Rentvesting Appeals To You – Even if you don’t yet own your own home, you can still buy an investment property and become a ‘rentvestor’. This phenomenon is wildly popular with Millenials, and is a homeownership strategy in which consumers rent a property to live in that’s in line with their lifestyle, but they own an investment property that’s in line with their budget. 

For those ready to kick start their journey as a budding property baron, it should come as no surprise that six in ten Australians are now working with a mortgage broker for help in navigating the world of home loans – but where do you find one?

Partner With The Property Finance Experts

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

Relentless in their pursuit of gold star customer service, the team at Madd have now expanded their services to include end to end financial planning. Through Madd Life, the aim is to collaborate with clients to identify long term goals, and transform them into a road map. 

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd proudly work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

Although experts are predicting that real estate prices will correct themselves instead of crash, what does the future of the property market look like? 


The latest figures from the Australian Bureau Of Statistics show the value of the country’s 10.8 million residential dwellings rose by $221.2 billion in the three months to March 2022, bringing the total to $10.2 trillion – and the first time in history that the Australian property market has reached such an eye watering figure. 

Despite market conditions running red hot around the nation for close to two years, all the signs are showing things might finally start to cool down. Suburbs in inner city Sydney and Melbourne have long been regarded as the most sensitive to market changes, and the recent spate of interest rate rises have appeared to start taking effect – but what does it mean for us in Queensland?

The Future Of The Queensland Property Market 

After bottoming in September 2020, residential property prices surged in 2021 to their strongest 12-month gain in over thirty years. However, after a 25% national price rise on the back of this period, Australian house prices are finally beginning to soften. 

Everyone from investors, owner occupiers and even first home buyers have closely been watching what the property market is up to, especially since the national average home price fell 0.1% in May. Based on data sourced from CoreLogic, this is the first monthly decline since September 2020. 

While the decline was led by falls of 1% in Sydney and 0.7% in Melbourne, Queensland figures paint a different story. In contrast, Brisbane prices have risen almost 5% in the last three months, and appear to be bucking the trend of falling house prices.

Brisbane’s house prices have increased by a staggering 32.1% in the past 12 months alone, with the median price now sitting at $856,731. Although unit prices have dipped slightly across a handful of areas, not one suburb in Brisbane has seen a drop in quarterly or annual prices for houses. 

The reason why Brisbane market growth is looking so strong will generally vary depending on who you ask. For some, hosting the 2032 Olympic Games means billions of dollars being invested into local infrastructure, particularly for transport and liveability improvements. For others, it’s because Brisbane never quite reached the same levels of growth that Sydney and Melbourne saw in the last two decades, and therefore had less room for market fluctuations. 

Given that the upcoming 2032 Olympics will be covering a number of regional hubs and not just focussing on Brisbane itself, other areas expected to reap the rewards of the event include the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, and even Toowoomba. 

For those trying to predict the future, it’s also worth noting that CoreLogic Research Director Tim Lawless was quick to point out that if the Sydney 2000 Olympics were any indication, Brisbane could be tracking a similarly strong performance. Figures show that between the 1993 announcement of the Sydney Olympics to when they were held in 2000, Sydney dwelling values jumped by 60% – almost twice the growth recorded across the combined capital cities benchmark region, which grew by 34.6%.

While the headlines may indicate financial stress linked to falling house prices, rising interest rates, and inflation levels not seen for decades, it’s easy to understand why Queenslanders may feel nervous about the state of the property market. Although we’re not immune to the cost of living pressures that every corner of the country is currently facing, the long term future over the course of the next decade is certainly looking bright. 

For those ready to purchase their first home, refinance their existing one, or even kick start their journey as a budding property investor, it should come as no surprise that six in ten Australians are now working with a mortgage broker for help in navigating the world of home loans – but where do you find one?

Partner With The Property Finance Experts

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

Relentless in their pursuit of gold star customer service, the team at Madd have now expanded their services to include end to end financial planning. Through Madd Life, the aim is to collaborate with clients to identify long term goals, and transform them into a road map. 

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd proudly work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

In many pockets of the River City, weekends are often filled with soccer games and trips to the beach – but what are the best suburbs in Brisbane for families?

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It’s no secret that Queensland is experiencing an interstate migration boom. The global pandemic has changed the way we work, live and play, and when compared to our southern neighbours, Queenslanders have had it relatively lax in terms of lockdowns and social distancing restrictions. 

Even as Australia slowly began to reopen, the influx of new residents to Brisbane showed no signs of slowing down. While the national property market is finally starting to slow down thanks to inflation and rising interest rates, Brisbane is still powering ahead and reporting real estate growth, with a growing number of families making the move north. 

Six Popular Family Friendly Suburbs In Brisbane

Dubbed “Australia’s Hippest City” by Lonely Planet, Brisbane well and truly shaken off the perception of being a little bit daggy when compared to Sydney and Melbourne. Instead, the spotlight is shining bright on the local arts scene, pumping nightlife, great coffee, and our good working relationship with the sun. 

As such, the River City has long been considered as a pretty great place to raise kids. Young families tend to prioritise access to retail, schools, parks, and have a strong preference for low-crime suburbs.

With our low density suburbs, large backyards and a sunny climate that favours a life outdoors, there aren’t not too many neighbourhoods that wouldn’t cater for family units of all different shapes and sizes – but what are considered to be the best suburbs in Brisbane for families?

Carina Heights – As the affordable alternative to Carindale or Camp Hill, Carina Heights has long been celebrated as one of the most liveable suburbs for young families. Scoring highly for open space, tree cover, access to schools and crime rate, its ideal position close to the M1 also means that road trips to the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast are also well within reach.

Alderley – Wide, undulating streets are lined with beautiful established trees, and many properties in Alderley enjoy elevated views across the suburb. While access to the airport and inner city is easy, there are parks and green space galore, such as the beloved Banks Street Reserve – making Alderley one of the best suburbs in Brisbane for families.

Chermside West – Although the suburb is undergoing a seismic demographic shift thanks to older homeowners moving out and making way for young families, Chermside West has long polled well for its primary and secondary education offerings. Although it’s just ten kilometres north of the CBD, residents want for nothing thanks to the expansion of the local Westfield. 

Bulimba – For families that want all the benefits of inner city living served with a slice of nature, it’s hard to go past Bulimba. As a self-contained community with a movie theatre, a number of wonderful book stores, fine restaurants, and a true small town ambiance, it’s also a convenient stop on the ferry transport system to the centre of Brisbane. 

Corinda – Take a stroll through the leafy streets of Corinda, and its village-like feel will make you forget just how close to the CBD you really are. Residents often refer to the suburb’s true sense of community as one of the primary reasons why they love the area so much, so it’s easy to see why it’s long been a fan favourite amongst young families. 

Victoria Point – While the Redland Bay region has long been popular amongst retirees and families for its proximity to the beach and nearby Stradbroke Island, Victoria Point is soaring in popularity thanks to its educational offerings. With a total of five local schools – three public and two private – parents have a variety of learning options to choose from for their children.

For families on the hunt for their forever home, it should come as no surprise that six in ten Australians are now working with a mortgage broker for help in navigating the world of property – but where do you find one?

Partner With The Property Finance Experts

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

Relentless in their pursuit of gold star customer service, the team at Madd have now expanded their services to include end to end financial planning. Through Madd Life, the aim is to collaborate with clients to identify long term goals, and transform them into a road map. 

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd proudly work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

In an era where mental health has never been more important, Madd were proud to attend and sponsor the inaugural You Are Not Alone fundraising event.  

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Verbal or physical bullying, trauma linked to the loss of a loved one or family breakdown, conflict, alcohol misuse and cyberbullying are all contributing factors to youth mental health problems, all of which young people have the potential to be exposed to. 

Despite this, young people are the least likely to seek professional help or support when it comes to dealing with mental health issues. Research suggests that only 17% of young men and 31% of young women will reach out to a school counsellor, a parent, a teacher, a psychologist, when in need of professional help.

While one in seven young people aged 4 to 17 years experience a mental health condition in any given year, there’s no denying that the young people of our communities need our help. As 75% of all mental health issues occur before the age of 25, raising awareness in schools is more important than ever – which is how the You Are Not Alone initiative was born. 

Why We Support The You Are Not Alone Initiative 

Established in 1948, Villanova College caters for approximately 1, 340 boys in three schools ranging from Year Five to Year Twelve. Villanova College has a long history of excellence, with just a handful of its most prominent alumni including former Attorney General for Australia George Brandis, NRL superstar Brad Meyers, journalist Chris Reason, and Madd Loans founder George Samios.

George found his time at Villanova to be hugely influential during his formative years, and wasted no time in supporting the You Are Not Alone initiative launched by Villanova student, Tom Price. 

Established from the aim to change statistics around youth mental health and suicide through talking about how we truly feel, the You Are Not Alone campaign started with one simple yet star-studded video. By highlighting the issues faced by young people, the video was created by students all over Brisbane. The video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times nationwide and was featured on radio stations and celebrity social media pages.

As the brains behind the You Are Not Alone campaign, Tom Price was well known as a confident and outgoing young man who was heading into Year 12 as a senior leader, while at the same time producing honey from his own hives and working as a part-time volunteer lifeguard. However, when his own busy social, school and sporting routines disappeared in 2020 thanks to the onset of the pandemic, he found himself struggling with his mental health for the first time. 

When Tom looked around, there wasn’t anything that particularly resonated with him – or his peers – in terms of normalising or supporting someone with mental health issues. Having found the help that he needed at the time, Tom has set about creating a mental health campaign he hopes will start conversations, normalise the struggle and create a positive change in student mental health statistics.

“I knew that if I was having a hard time dealing with all the COVID changes and pressures that come with school, family and general life I was surely not the only one.  So, I based the campaign around the words ‘you are not alone’. Words that when you are having a tough time and feeling isolated are pretty powerful,” said Price.

Along with his fellow Villanova students Lachlan Bremner, Riley Richars and Cameron Wallis, Tom has since been blown away by the reaction that the You Are Not Alone campaign has received. Determined to keep the momentum going, Tom and his friends wasted no time in taking the campaign to the next level. 

In conjunction with Lifeline, the You Are Not Alone campaign launched its first annual fun run to raise money to support Lifeline’s call centres. With the aim being to promote conversation among young people about how they are feeling, aiming to change statistics around youth mental health and suicide, Madd Loans jumped at the change to sponsor the event when approached.

Held on Saturday 25 June, the inaugural You Are Not Alone fun run managed to raise a whopping $35, 000, with all funds going directly to lifeline. George and the team at Madd were proud to attend the event held in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, and be a part of the much needed conversation surrounding youth mental health. 

If you or someone you know is suffering with mental health, it’s important to know where and when to reach out for help. Nobody should ever feel alone, and Lifeline offers vital support via 24/7 free text and phone hotlines to talk things through with trained professionals. Sometimes it might not feel like it, but we’re all in this together. 

While using super to buy property is strictly regulated in Australia, one of the legal ways to do so is through an SMSF – but what does the process involve?

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First introduced as a means to take the pressure off aged pension benefits, the concept of superannuation was designed to provide a financial buffer for employees when they transition into retirement, and was made compulsory in 1992 by the Labor Government and spearheaded by then Prime Minister, Paul Keating.

As a general rule, if you are a legal adult, earn more than $450 before tax per month, and are regarded as an employee for tax purposes, your employer must pay money into a super account in your name, which is then managed by a super fund of your choice. 

However, superannuation has undergone some pretty significant reforms since it was first rolled out, and approximately one third of all superannuation funds are now self managed. With an ageing population, many Aussies can see the light at the end of the working tunnel. By taking charge of their own financial future, members of SMSFs are also using super to buy property in droves. 

How To Buy Property Through A SMSF

When you make the conscious choice to manage your own super via an SMSF, you take on the responsibility that would normally be taken care of by a retail or industry superannuation fund. One of the major points of difference between the two is that if you’re in the process of setting up a self managed super fund, the fate of your finances is ultimately in your own hands. 

All SMSFs have their own Tax File Number (TFN), Australian Business Number (ABN) and transactional bank account, which allows them to receive contributions and rollovers, make investments and pay out lump sums and pensions. 

As such, many SMSF members have long been using super to buy property as a long term investment strategy. When compared to shares or other stock choices, the right types of real estate purchases offer some pretty promising capital growth. 

As of 2019, the ATO reported that the total estimated value of the assets held by SMSFs was $748 million, with listed shares making up 31% of this number, followed by cash and term deposits (21%). While property only makes up around 13%, it can be a viable asset to include in any SMSF portfolio as a means to diversify the investments. 

If you have a SMSF, you can use money from your fund as a deposit to purchase a residential or commercial investment-only property as part of your investment strategy for retirement. However, there are very strict rules relating to borrowing from an SMSF, and failure to follow them exposes the SMSF to potential breaches, fines and penalties. 

As a SMSF borrower, you may also be subject to higher interest rates, and lenders might not be prepared to finance the full price of the property. Questions of liquidity and tax losses are also worth looking into, you must make any repayments from your super fund, and losses from the property can’t be offset against your taxable income outside the fund. In addition, you can’t do anything to the property that changes its character until the SMSF loan is fully paid off. 

As a general rule, commercial infrastructure is usually the popular choice for those using super to buy property. The benefits associated with commercial property investment include higher rents, the fact that leases are often much longer periods of time, the application of GST, and that maintenance, rates and insurance costs are often paid for by the lessee. 

Using super to buy property is heavily regulated in Australia, and should not be approached lightly. Before embarking on your SMSF property journey, it’s worth consulting a reputable mortgage broker to ensure your loan terms are as favourable as they can be, and that your short term actions match your long term financial goals. 

Partnering With Home Loan Professionals 

Navigating the complex world of home loans has long been regarded as stressful, frustrating and time consuming – but if you can find the right advice on sourcing how mortgages work, then the good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

If the prospect of rising interest rates leaves you feeling slightly uneasy, there’s never been a better time to make an appointment with a mortgage broker.  


As a general rule, what goes up must come down – but in the case of rising interest rates, it’s the opposite that applies. After remaining at record breaking lows during the peak of the pandemic, the Reserve Bank Of Australia has released two consecutive increases to the cash rate in the last quarter, and have also indicated that they will be the first of many. 

Unfortunately, what that means for most ordinary Australians with a home loan increased pressure on their finances. In fact, forecasts from the ASX predict some pretty hefty increases to the cash rate by the end of 2023. These predictions factor in an increase in the Reserve Bank’s cash rate from 0.10% to 3.5% by June 2023, which is enough to push up the standard variable mortgage rate from around 2.25% to 5.65%. 

Thankfully, homeowners don’t have to go it alone when it comes to navigating rising interest rates, as there’s an industry professional who has the time, experience and knowledge to guide you on how to best approach these changes: your mortgage broker.

Four Ways Your Broker Can Help With Interest Rates

So far in 2022, it’s been mortgage brokers – not banks – that have written over two thirds of Aussie home loans. However, many people make the mistake of assuming that mortgage brokers can only help with acquiring a new home loan. In reality, a good mortgage broker will actually aim to stay with their client over the entire lifetime of their loan, as their services don’t expire once you’ve signed the contract of sale. 

For many Australians, rising interest rates means increased repayments on mortgages, loans and credit cards. With less disposable income, many people may need to tighten their belts.

Interest rate rises can be tough for families and small businesses, as increased mortgage and debt repayments can make day to day life more expensive. Thankfully, here’s how your mortgage broker can help you combat the effects of rising interest rates. 

Home Loan Health Check – Before making any big financial decisions based around rising interest rates and how to budget for them, take a trip to your local mortgage broker to assess the current state of your home loan. They will see what can be done to improve the terms and conditions, particularly if your personal circumstances have changed. 

Discuss Loan Structures – While rising interest rates may be at the forefront of any trip to see your mortgage broker, they generally help clients to explore all of their options for the long term, as opposed to jumping ship to the cheapest offer. This could even mean swapping to a fixed rate for security, or swapping to variable rates to access an offset account. 

Explore Refinancing Options – Refinancing refers to the process of paying out your current home loan by taking out a new loan. While this can be with the same lender, it is also common to change to an entirely different lending provider for a better interest rate, lower fees or more favourable loan terms based on your situation. 

Provide Stress Relief – Above all, it’s important to remember that as a consumer, you have nothing to lose by having a chat to your local mortgage broker. As financial industry professionals, they’re experts on navigating home loans, and can provide guidance on helping ordinary Australians make savvy financial decisions for the long term. 

If you’re feeling the pinch of financial stress at the moment, you’re not alone. With interest rates and inflation only set to increase, there’s never been a better time to be proactive and get in touch with your local mortgage broker – but where do you find one?

Partnering With Home Loan Professionals 

Navigating the complex world of home loans has long been regarded as stressful, frustrating and time consuming – but if you can find the right advice on sourcing how mortgages work, then the good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

While there’s a myth that financial planning is a service exclusive to the mega wealthy, did you know that it can form the blueprint to build your dream home?

Why You Need Financial Planning To Buy Property

Most people find themselves contacting a financial planner or adviser for one of three reasons – they need help with making a blueprint for their financial future, they don’t want to deal with their financial future, or while they might like managing their own money, the impartial and objective third party opinion could be of value to them. 

Before you actively seek financial advice from a qualified professional, it’s important to have a firm vision on what you hope to get out of the process. While this often depends on your stage of life, how much money you have or owe, and what you’re trying to achieve, a growing number of Australians are using financial planning to build wealth through property. 

How Financial Planning Can Help With Real Estate

Whether we like it or not, the state of our finances form an integral role in how we transition between the many phases of our life. Even the most successful people often acknowledge that they couldn’t have hit their goals without the help of a professional, and financial planning is the perfect tool to help everyday Australians take a big picture approach to their finances. 

There are many reasons as to why the average Australian would want to start investing in property. For some, it’s about building a financial safety net and enjoying a comfortable retirement, while for others it’s an attractive way to lower their tax obligations. No matter where you are on your real estate journey, the help of a financial planning expert can be invaluable. 

Guiding First Home Buyers – Purchasing your first home can be an extremely daunting experience, but the good news is that with solid financial planning, it doesn’t have to be. Experts in this field help first home buyers to understand where their money goes, but can also provide guidance on saving up for a deposit. Once settled in, financial planning can also allow first home buyers to expand into purchasing a second investment property. 

Building Your Dream Home – Regardless of whether you’re looking to capitalise on one of the many federal and state building initiatives, or are simply a growing family and ready to bring your version of your “forever” home to life, financial planning is important if you want to avoid potentially costly headaches along the way. If you already own property, a financial planner may help you to explore all of your options to potentially keep it as a rental while building. 

Expanding Your Investments – Long considered to be one of the safest long term investment strategies, building a property portfolio is the ultimate goal for many Australian homeowners, especially once they’re financially secure and have a firm grasp on their first mortgage. A financial planner can help you crunch the numbers to identify good investment opportunities for both high yields and tax breaks, and advise caution when required. 

Transitioning To Retirement – As a homeowner, you might be considering downsizing your abode for a variety of reasons: it could be to boost your finances, reduce your expenses, to move into a more suitable home, a better location or you might even just want to take advantage of the current property boom. A financial planner will help you form a game plan for a safe and secure future, while helping you navigate the rules linked to tax and superannuation. 

If you’re already sold on the idea of investing in financial planning to conquer the world of real estate, the next step for many Aussies is to partner with a good mortgage broker. As an alternative to dealing directly with the big banks, mortgage brokers serve as the ‘middleman’ between a lender and a borrower, and handle the time-consuming process of securing the loan and gathering the considerable paperwork involved. 

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that six in ten Australians are now working with a mortgage broker for help in navigating the world of home loans – but what if we told you that there was a one stop shop to combine the services of a mortgage broker and a financial planner?

Partner With The Real Estate Finance Experts

Getting on top of your finances and finding the right home loan has long been regarded as stressful, frustrating and time consuming – but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

Relentless in their pursuit of gold star customer service, the team at Madd have now expanded their services to include end to end financial planning. Through Madd Life, the aim is to collaborate with clients to identify long term goals, and transform them into a road map. 

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd proudly work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.

While lenders mortgage insurance – also known as LMI – has long received a bad wrap from first home buyers, what if you could leverage it to your advantage?

How First Home Buyers Can Leverage LMI

Although many first home buyers may feel a glimmer of hope at the prospect of Labor being back in power, it doesn’t look like there will be any sweeping reforms to housing just yet. As such, many are turning their attention back towards the uphill battle of saving up enough funds to foot the bill for a house deposit. 

As most already know, the consequences of not having the full 20% deposit for a mortgage is being hit with lenders mortgage insurance. Otherwise known as LMI, this is a long standing policy enforced by banks to protect themselves in the event that a home loan isn’t repaid or a lendee defaults. 

Often painted in a negative light and something that most first home buyers should actively avoid, does paying LMI always spell bad news for first home buyers, or is there a way to use it to your advantage instead?

The Pros And Cons Of LMI For First Home Buyers 

First introduced in Australia in 1965, Lenders Mortgage Insurance – or otherwise known as LMI – was designed to encourage more Australians to enter the housing market, while still allowing the lender to protect themselves in the event that a client defaulted on their home loan. 

Typically, LMI is compulsory for all mortgage applicants if they don’t have a 20% deposit saved up to buy a house. Given that the median house price for Brisbane is now roughly $850, 000, without the option of Lenders Mortgage Insurance, buyers would be expected to save a whopping $170, 000 at the very least to purchase a property. 

This figure is simply unobtainable for many, especially first home owners looking to get their foot on the property ladder. The cost of living certainly isn’t getting any easier, so if your options are spending a decade or more saving for a house deposit or simply opting to pay LMI, the latter is a trend on the rise.

Calculated on a sliding scale, an example of LMI at work is that if you were looking at a property at $500, 000 with a 10% deposit ($50, 000) – expect your LMI bill to be around $8, 000. While it sounds like a lot and is usually the first of many home loan fees that have a tendency to fill first home buyers with dread, LMI can also enable access to a mortgage with as little as 5% to get into the market faster, and simply gets added to the balance of your mortgage.

According to Madd Loans founder George Samios, skyrocketing house prices means that paying Lenders Mortgage Insurance doesn’t have the same stigma as it once did. 

“While nobody likes paying any more on bills than they absolutely have to, paying LMI doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The golden rule to remember with all things property related is that repaying a home loan that includes LMI will still put you ahead in ten years time when compared to the prospect of paying rent. If $5, 000 worth of LMI is all that stands between you and a home loan, it’s a no brainer when compared to forking out $15, 000 just a year’s worth of rent.”

However, it’s worth keeping in mind that there are more options available to first home buyers who would prefer not to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance. If your circumstances allow it, consider the path of a guarantor home loan. Although the exact terms and conditions vary between lenders, some require the buyers using guarantor home loans to have a minimum 5% deposit, while others will allow the buyer to borrow up to 105% of the purchase price of the property. 

In addition, be sure to double check if you qualify for any existing government grants or funding as a first home buyer. Although these may change in line with the new government, options currently include the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, the Family Home Guarantee, or the First Home Super Saver Scheme. These federal schemes have all been introduced to make purchasing your first home easier, so it’s worth exploring these options if you meet the eligibility criteria. 

For first home buyers not quite ready to purchase property in the immediate future, it’s also worth considering newer schemes that are set to be unveiled in full over the next few months. For those in favour of a treechange, keep an eye on updates for Labor’s new Regional First Home Buyer Support Scheme commencing in January 2023, or even the proposed shared equity ‘Help To Buy’ scheme. 

If you’re struggling to make a game plan on how to make your foray into home ownership, then the good news is that there’s always help available for those who know where to find it. To avoid making big financial decisions based on guesswork, it’s always worth getting in touch with the professionals. 

Partnering With Home Loan Professionals 

Navigating the complex world of home loans has long been regarded as stressful, frustrating and time consuming – but if you can find the right advice on sourcing how mortgages work, then the good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Since their inception in 2012, the team at Madd Loans have worked tirelessly in providing over 2,000 Queenslanders with finance options to help turn their dreams into reality. With the entire brand being built on referrals, owner George Samios takes great pride in making the loan process both fun, educational and stress free – and he has a swag of awards to prove it.

If thinking about your financial future strikes a chord with you, then it might be time to speak to a professional. Whether you’re chasing mortgage solutions or a financial fairy godmother, the team at Madd work together as a collective to turn your goals into reality.