How to Go About Refinancing

Thinking about refinancing?  Refinancing your property requires a bit of thought on your part and is like any major purchasing decision.  You want to be methodical about the process and make sure that it is the best option for you. This article will go through a number of steps you will need to take to make a wise decision.

Step #1  Where are You and Where Would You Like To Be?

What is your current situation right now?  Take stock of your current financial situation and think about your goals both financial and personal.  Are you renovating?  Are you planning to go on vacation?  Starting a family?  Getting married?  Looking to get a new investment property?  Just want to save money? Knowing where you are and where you’re going will help you decide whether refinancing is the vehicle to get you there and what kind of terms and loan you will need.

Step #2  Find the Best Person to Help You

Whether you go to a broker or a bank, you’ll need to have someone you can rely on who will give you great unbiased advice that will help you get closer to your goals. That person needs to be knowledgeable and experienced with a good track record and what’s more willing to give you a great service.   As with any purchase, shop around and find out what’s available and you’ll know you’ve got the right person when you find them. Finding a good lender is often like finding a good doctor.  Once you find someone you feel comfortable with, they’re the one you see whenever you need a checkup. 

Step #3 Get Educated

Understanding the different options available to you puts the ball in your court because when you go out to talk to bankers or mortgage brokers, you’ll have a better idea of which one is going to give you the best possible deal. There are many different kinds of loan products, different rates, different terms and they may not all suit your unique circumstances.  That’s why having a basic understanding will help you sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes time to get help.

Step #4 Pick Your Lender

Finally pick the banker or mortgage broker you trust.  You’ve done the homework, read the reviews, watched the testimonial videos.  Now it’s time to make a sound decision. If you’ve picked the right person, they’ll do their utmost to get you a great deal with terms that suit your situation. They’ll be working to get your loan approved and doing the hard yards so that you can reap the benefits.